September 19th, 2019 | 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Design Thinking
Innovation Workshop
Design thinking is a process for creative problem-solving with a human-centered core. During Fresh Consulting’s Design Thinking Innovation Workshop, we’ll focus on different applications of design thinking and the organizations and people it’s used for.
Interested in learning more about how this innovative approach leads to better products, services, and processes?
Join us for an evening of workshops where you’ll learn how design thinking solves real problems and elevates user experience. You’ll get to interact with the products Fresh designed using AI, AR/VR, and autonomous robotics—and an insider’s look at how they were created.

Holistic Design Process
Get a first-person look at the branding, UI/UX, and industrial design processes we use to solve challenges that come with designing for AI. You’ll have a 360-degree view inside the design for our proprietary product Telemus, a frictionless user interface with a personalized synthesis of data.

AR/VR Design
See the power of AR/VR design in turning content into dynamic user experiences. You’ll get to try out augmented reality business cards and take a virtual reality tour of the Fresh office, plus learn how these innovative experiences could be used in the future.

Hands-On Design Thinking Workshop
Fresh designers will show you the iterative process of design thinking in this hands-on workshop that demonstrates the business value of design thinking for solving real-world problems in a strategic way.

AI for CX
Try out our sentiment recognition and analysis tool and see how AI can bring companies closer to their customers. We’ll be demoing the tool we developed to enhance customer experience and show you its role in Fresh’s customer-centric design process.

Get up close with the evolution of autonomous vehicle design. You’ll learn about our industrial and engineering processes that shaped our autonomous robot and see the integrated technologies powering its localization and navigation systems.

See Map For Details
Workshops & Hors d’oeuvres
@ Fresh Cafe
Keynote Speakers
@ Fresh Cafe
Raffle Prizes
@ Fresh Cafe